GRS D&C, one of the largest and fastest growing company
We are one of the 834 gazelle companies that in less than five years of life, growing more than 20% annually in the last three years and billing more than half a million euros with more than 10 employees, has been able to maintain this rate of growth in the last three years, increasing turnover in the shortest time.
According to the latest study reported by Iberinform, from the Credit & Caution group, our Development and Construction division ranks fourth in terms of highest turnover during this period among all the companies listed, and the first one whose activity is dedicated to renewable energies.
In the last five years, we have reached 1.5 GW of installed power and it is estimated that another GW will be developed, making us one of the leaders in the development and construction of solar PV plants worldwide. We have built in the five continents, strengthening our position in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Brazil, Mexico and Australia. Becoming a gazelle company means that we are able to establish the roadmap within a growing economic market such as solar photovoltaics.
In other words, thanks to our business foresight, ability to adapt to any project, and our commitment to quality and return on investment, GRS DyC is synonymous of trust. Currently, we are a world reference that is growing rapidly and solidly year after year. With our focus on Spain, Australia, where 500 MW are expected to be built by 2020, and Chile, a country that has promoted photovoltaic energy with new auctions, we intend to establish ourselves in this market, with the aim of continuing to expand our business worldwide.