gransolar-pv-plants-brazilThe annual auction for the sale of energy, was held on August 28 in Brazil, (Leilao 2015). A large number of the companies promoting the world ‘s leading photovoltaic projects were presented. In total 830,8 MW were auctioned, from which 60 MW  were awarded to Gransolar with two projects “Sertao I” and “Sobral I” of 30 MW each.

Gransolar has known how to adapt to the changes that are occurring in the photovoltaic sector, through a strategy and innovative design, which have led to reduce construction costs and an increase competitiveness. This process has led to the award of the PPAs of Sertao and Sobral, with an initial investment of approximately BRL 126 million per project and a sales price between 302 and 305 BRL / MWh.

This new follows the line of success that the company has since its conception and reaffirms its experience in the sector.